Friday 9 March 2012

Day Zero Project

Considering this is my second time doing the Day Zero Project, and the whole reason I started this particular blog as I said in my first post, I'm surprised I haven't really written about it more (apart from the occasional mention and tag). If you haven't clicked on any of the links I'll quickly explain what it is. It's a bit like a bucket list, but instead of adding loads of things you want to do in your lifetime (which you can also do) the aim is to make a list of a 101 things to do within 1001 days. You write this list online and share with whoever and mine is currently over on the side bar, but also here.

I keep changing it now and then because even when you try to think of goals or things to do for the (almost) three years, you obviously change your mind and might not want to do those things any more. The first time I did this was when I just turned 18 and I had SO many ideas, and kinda listed more than I should have within just one goal, I took on too much, way too much and also hated half of my goals. I only crossed a third of the goals off by the end which I am sad about, but to be honest I forgot about it after the first year. When I remembered towards the end I didn't have enough time to finish and they'd changed the system.

That was really important to me since it was easier to reorganize/add/delete/cross things off and say if you were half way through doing something, which makes you feel better that you're half way through a goal or a task rather than doing nothing. Plus you can add friends and "watch" other peoples lists. So far I'm just friends with my boyfriend lol, but every now and then he's really sweet and helps me cross things off. If you feel interested to do this add me! My username is lisamello.

Anyway! My birthday is next month, I'll be turning 22 and that means I've been doing this list for a year and I'd like to have more crossed off my list than I do now, where I'm only 21% of the way through the list with less than two years to go, if I proceed at this rate i'll never finish it!

My day zero list, or 101 Mission (I call it by lots of different things, sorry!) is a mix of fun, crafty, educational, financial, serious goals. A lot I took from other peoples lists which you can browse on the website and others are more personal. They may seem silly or stupid but I still want to do them, well for now at least. If you're like me and love making lists, then you'll love doing this project. It's like an epic new years resolution list (which I've forgotten all about until now, ooops!). If you do read this, I hope it inspires you to do one as well, and if not, I hope I haven't bored you with this post!

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