Thursday 15 March 2012

Week in Photos

While I may not have Instagram (*sob!*) I do love the pudding camera app, particularly the Fantasy Noir setting which is what I took the above photos in. I'm just crazy about the sepia blurry foggyness of it all. Most of the time I forget I have my phone on me with a better camera than my first digi one so its not a proper week in photos, mainly the nicest of the few I've taken, but you get the gist and 'Week in Photos' sounds better than 'Photo Dump of Randomness'. Also, I've been a bad blogger not uploading again so sorry for that.

Top row - February's Glossy Box which I still need to review and the lovely new Harrods one, which is awesome btw. I was going to do one today but it was too dark and I wanted natural light, and there was none! My friends engagement party invite, its really pretty and the colours were grey and yellow. The card I made for them. Not great but still kinda sweet yes/no? The party was fun and I got to see my friends fiance drunk for the first time which was very funny. I'm super happy for them :D

Bottom row - A Bagpuss card I sent to my friend for her birthday. When she was younger she loved Bagpuss and still kinda does so when I saw it I had to buy it. She lives in Scotland so I had to send it by post! Only one day late lol. My ticket and drink before I went to see the History Boys. My boyfriends in the uni drama society and I know loads of people who were in it/directed it. I've never seen it before and it was awesome, if a bit shocking (pervy teachers anyone?) The History Boys after show, were I got very drunk and took loads of blurry drunk photos on my phone. I liked these lights which were in the kitchen, it felt like I was back in a school disco (sorta, but not really!)

So... judging by my week in photos I just went to an Engagement party and to see a play and the after party but I have done more than that, honest! Just no photographic evidence.

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